Saturday, October 8, 2016

Day 6 of Exposure Therapy

Since I did not follow up yesterday, Day 6 stands for October 7th which was yesterday Today was a special day for me. I did my long walk rather late, that is after 6 a.m in the evening but before getting dark of course. I never want the night to fall when I do this walks so I can be very visible unlike the dark which makes me invisible.

I was initially filled with panic for the first 30 seconds. A friend who runs a business center met me early in the way and said my spectacles were still in his office. And he told me of one of his friends who got married who I knew quite well.

I then left him and walked down the entire street.

Now, I noticed that my biggest challenge walking down the street had been around the mid way through the long walk. There was an old man who was an estate agent who had a house around the spot and would always stop me for a chat on properties (I am also a part time estate agent). This used to get me very nervous as we would always be outside talking which I found very stressful. My panic would spike.

My second challenge was a friend who was managing the construction of a building, the one who had a son. I also found it stressful meeting him and also prayed to avoid.

Apart from these two, nothing all was obviously stressful even though my nerves told me otherwise. However I had been progressively getting better.

Today however, I passed that challenge with flying colors. I was not too tense when passing their spots and was able to complete the entire street. I would go between mild feelings of anxiety and not even feeling self conscious at all. I am really improving.

After finishing the walk, I did something huge. I decided to go for a Christian meeting. I hadn't been to one for months.

I got there quite late. Probably around 7:45. The start time is 6:30. I didn't attend my congregation but another one.

I sat at the back in between 2 married women- one had a very pretty toddler.

I was anxious though but I didn't freak out. I handled it quite well.

I plan to go for Sunday's meeting. I'm gradually getting back! hurrah!

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